Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Your Keeping in Touch (K.I.T.), April 18/13 — Take Your Best Shot

 by Kit Grant

“The man who does things makes many mistakes but he never makes the biggest mistake of all — doing nothing.”  … Benjamin Franklin

Too many people have learned that making mistakes is a bad thing and so they stop attempting anything new at all. They complain about others who are successful believing that they have somehow been robbed of those opportunities. In reality, you are usually the only one holding you back from having new successes. Of course, any time you venture outside the safe “do-nothing” zone, the chance of failure will exist. I recall a wall poster I saw in a small country store with the phrase, “You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take”. This is true not only in sports but in life as well. Don’t let other people or some fear of failure keep you from growing. There is no shortage of opportunities, just people who either no longer see them or are unwilling to take action. People usually deserve the results they get.

Check out the latest information and registration details on our June 21-23/13 “Get Better; Get Busier” Boot Camp for speakers. Past participants have ranged from new speakers to experienced professionals wanting to improve their platform skills. Your best marketing piece will always be your on-stage performance. Trainers wanting to expand their skills and take on keynote opportunities can develop a new set of tools and techniques in this 3-day program restricted to only 10 participants. We have 5 spots remaining and the best “Early-Bird” pricing expires at the end of this week. Details are available at www.getbettergetbusier.com .

After the past week with more than 20 cms of new snow, the 2013 golf season has been postponed probably by about 10 days. It’s supposed to be getting much warmer by next week but it’s always a stretch to even get 6 months of golf here. I am ready — the weather now needs to co-operate. Winter be gone please!!


Check out my YouTube channel at www.youtube.com/thekitgrant and sign up as a subscriber so you can receive new ones as they are posted in the future.

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